specs ​
pog spec ​
pog =
{ name
, version ? "0.0.0"
, script
, description ? "a helpful bash script with flags, created through nix + pog!"
, flags ? [ ]
, parsedFlags ? map flag flags
, arguments ? [ ]
, argumentCompletion ? "files"
, runtimeInputs ? [ ]
, bashBible ? false
, beforeExit ? ""
, strict ? false
, flagPadding ? 20
, showDefaultFlags ? false
, shortDefaultFlags ? true
}: {}
flag spec ​
flag =
{ name
, _name ? (replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ] name)
, short ? substring 0 1 name
, shortDef ? if short != "" then "-${short}|" else ""
, default ? ""
, hasDefault ? (stringLength default) > 0
, bool ? false
, marker ? if bool then "" else ":"
, description ? "a flag"
, argument ? "VAR"
, envVar ? "POG_" + (replaceStrings [ "-" ] [ "_" ] (toUpper name))
, required ? false
, prompt ? if required then "true" else ""
, promptError ? "you must specify a value for '--${name}'!"
, promptErrorExitCode ? 3
, hasPrompt ? (stringLength prompt) > 0
, completion ? ""
, hasCompletion ? (stringLength completion) > 0
, flagPadding ? 20
}: {}
full spec example ​
foo = pog {
name = "foo";
description = "a tester script for pog, my classic bash bin + flag + bashbible meme";
bashBible = true;
beforeExit = ''
green "this is beforeExit - foo test complete!"
flags = [
name = "functions";
short = "";
description = "list all functions! (this is a lot of text)";
bool = true;
script = h: with h; ''
trim_string " foo "
upper 'foo'
lower 'FOO'
lstrip "The Quick Brown Fox" "The "
urlencode "https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible"
remove_array_dups 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
hex_to_rgb "#FFFFFF"
rgb_to_hex "255" "255" "255"
date "%a %d %b - %l:%M %p"
bar 1 10
debug "''${GREEN}this is a debug message, only visible when passing -v (or setting POG_VERBOSE)!"
black "this text is 'black'"
red "this text is 'red'"
green "this text is 'green'"
yellow "this text is 'yellow'"
blue "this text is 'blue'"
purple "this text is 'purple'"
cyan "this text is 'cyan'"
grey "this text is 'grey'"
green_bg "this text has a green background"
purple_bg "this text has a purple background"
yellow_bg "this text has a yellow background"
bold "this text should be bold!"
dim "this text should be dim!"
italic "this text should be italic!"
underlined "this text should be underlined!"
blink "this text might blink on certain terminal emulators!"
invert "this text should be inverted!"
hidden "this text should be hidden!"
echo -e "''${GREEN_BG}''${RED}this text is red on a green background and looks awful''${RESET}"
echo -e "''${!color}this text has its color set by a flag '--color' or env var 'POG_COLOR' (default green)''${RESET}"
${spinner {command="sleep 3";}}
${confirm {exit_code=69;}}
die "this is a die" 0